4 jun 2014

Mundo Linux: Sapphire Graphic Designer

Veía el otro día en la bitácora de frannoe unos fondos realizados para DMDc por una diseñadora española, creo, y un enlace a su web.

En dicha web, los que seaís linuxeros, podreís encontrar muy buenas y excelentes obras de arte dedicadas a una variedad de distrubuciones linux como fondos de PC y Escritorio. También, Ella, hace referencia a su implicación, en la parte artística, en el proyecto Pisi Linux (distro derivada de Pardus OS).

Os dejo enlace a su web:

y un ejemplo de su buen hacer:

2 jun 2014

Blender logo

No hece falta mucho dominio de la lengua inglesa para entender lo que Blender.Org reseña al respecto de su logo: (así qué copypasteo)

Blender logo usage guidelines

The Blender logo is a copyrighted property of NaN Holding B.V, and has been licensed in 2002 to the Blender Foundation. The logo and the brand name “Blender” are not part of the GNU GPL, and can only be used commercially by the Blender Foundation on products, websites and publications.
Under the following conditions, third parties may use the Blender logo as well:
  1. The logo can only be used to point to the product Blender. When used with a link on a web page, it should point to the url blender.org.
  2. You will visualize and promote your own branding more prominent than you use the Blender logo. The Blender logo only can be used as a secondary brand, which means it has to be clear for an average viewer that this is not an official Blender or Blender Foundation website, publication or product.
  3. You can use the Blender logo on promotion products, such as T-shirts or caps or trade show booths, provided it is a secondary brand as described in point 2.
  4. The logo is used unaltered, without fancy enhancements, in original colors, original typography, and always complete (logo + text blender).
  5. In case you use the logo on products you sell commercially, you always have to contact us with a picture of how it will be used, and ask for explicit permission.
If you have further questions or doubts, do not hesitate to contact us.

Usage in artwork and community websites

Blender’s logo has been used in hundreds of ways. This was — and still is — considered to be an honest tribute to Blender, and the guidelines are not meant to make these uses “illegal” or “officially disapproved”. This page is only meant to clarify the Blender Foundation guidelines so that people know their minimum rights and where they can use the logo.
Modifying the Blender logo is really part of your own artistic freedom, and the Blender Foundation will never act against such tributes. Just don’t expect us to “officially approve” of it, that’s all.
Ton Roosendaal, Chairman of the Blender Foundation
Amsterdam, March 2009

(más de la misma página)

Esta entrada viene a cuenta de los comentarios expuestos esta madrugada por cierto individuo llamado VICTOR MANUEL VACA ARCILA sobre unos supuestos derechos de autor sobre el logo de Blender y su exigencia en su retirada. Con nocturnidad el subsodicho ha borrado sus comentarios a excepción del último, pena, pues tenía ganas de ver cierto documento en el que se recogen sus derechos de autor, según él, sobre el logo, y con las mismas remitirselo al Staff de Blender.

A quién le vaya la marcha puede googlear el nombre del individuo en cuestión y sacar sus conclusiones.